Yesterday Seremedy went into the studio to begin the recording of our upcoming album, starting with the drums. Be sure to visit Linders official facebook page and give him some cheering comments!
It was a long time since the band released something new. I hope you are as excited as we are!
I will join the others in the beginning of next year to do my parts of the recording. If I find time maybe even before. The band will however keep you updated as always through our facebook, twitter and we will also try to make some video recordings for those who wants to follow our progress.
Hopefully we will get some snow here in Sweden during next month, but you never know.. We did not get any yet, and that's very unusual. I think there is some in the north (not much though) but not here where I live, in the middle of our country. It's kind of sad. I don't like snow that much even if it is pretty, but at least I want some for Christmas! It wont feel like Christmas without it...

Stay MAD!

Snow or not, the November evening is still beautiful
and peaceful. Inspired me to do some writing..
and peaceful. Inspired me to do some writing..
Stay MAD!
Jag hoppas att vi får snö till jul i alla fall! Blir ingen riktig julstämmning utan det enligt mig (._.)
ReplyDeleteJeg vil også ha snø! Ut med BERIT, inn med SNØEN!!! x) Æsj, det dummeste er at det er så mørk hele tiden uten snø :( Jeg kan ikke fatte at det er desember på torsdag! Det føles som det er midten av oktober! Jaja, håper i hvert fall at vi før snø til jul!! ^^
ReplyDeleteDet snöade här för ett par dagar sen! n_n Men nu har det regnat bort igen, buhu. Men förhoppningsvis kommer det ny snö snart.